
Pastor & Staff

Darrell Ford


Pastor Ford and his wife Mary Jane

Mike Burdette

Website / Social Media / IT Director and  Assoc. Security

Mike is responsible for all media and IT.  He also helps with our security team.

Jammie Blair

Welcome Director / Security Director

Jammie is our Welcome Director. He makes sure everyone gets greeted.  Jammie is the Head of our Security Team.

Mary Jane ford

Sunday School Minister

Mary Jane is the pastor's wife and is our Sunday School Minister.  She also involved with all aspects in our church.

Lori Burdette / amy blair

Associate Sunday school teachers & Nursery personnel

Lori & Amy help with Sunday School program and also watch over the little ones.

Aydan Blair

Ayden is our audio / video director. He makes sure all of our equipment is working. He makes sure our music is ready each week.  He also coordinates with Pastor Ford for the  for the week's sermon and information needed.  He's the son of Jammie / Amy Blair.

Herman & Patty Chapman


Herman & Patty coordinate the Food Pantry and Clothing Ministries